| Edmonton
Martin Pospisil wins the faceoff against Connor McDavid.
0:00 |
Anthony Mantha shoots Saved by Brett Brochu.
0:25 |
0:27 |
Leon Draisaitl wins the faceoff against Kevin Rooney.
Walker Duehr hits Philip Kemp.
0:33 |
0:40 |
Raphael Lavoie shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
Walker Duehr hits Corey Perry.
0:48 |
0:56 |
Noel Hoefenmayer scores. Assisted by Corey Perry and Philip Kemp.
Justin Kirkland wins the faceoff against Noah Philp.
0:56 |
1:15 |
Noah Philp shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
Matt Coronato scores. Assisted by Samuel Honzek and Justin Kirkland.
1:28 |
Jaden Lipinski wins the faceoff against Dalyn Wakely.
1:28 |
2:05 |
Seth Griffith shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
Martin Pospisil wins the faceoff against Connor McDavid.
2:08 |
2:23 |
Takeaway by Mattias Ekholm.
2:26 |
Giveaway by Connor McDavid.
2:43 |
Giveaway by Ryan Nugent-Hopkins.
2:44 |
Evan Bouchard hits Joni Jurmo.
Giveaway by Martin Pospisil.
2:47 |
Giveaway by Joni Jurmo.
2:57 |
Takeaway by Lucas Ciona.
3:10 |
Takeaway by Kevin Rooney.
3:40 |
Takeaway by Justin Kirkland.
3:53 |
3:54 |
Connor Corcoran blocks shot from Justin Kirkland.
Walker Duehr shoots Saved by Brett Brochu.
4:06 |
Justin Kirkland scores. Assisted by Walker Duehr and Samuel Honzek.
4:08 |
4:08 |
Noah Philp wins the faceoff against Justin Kirkland.
4:21 |
Noah Philp shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
4:25 |
Noah Philp wins the faceoff against Clark Bishop.
4:30 |
Matvey Petrov hits Hunter Brzustewicz.
4:33 |
Vasily Podkolzin hits Clark Bishop.
4:51 |
Giveaway by Noah Philp.
5:07 |
Connor Clattenburg hits Yan Kuznetsov.
5:16 |
Mattias Ekholm hits Martin Pospisil.
5:24 |
Takeaway by Mattias Ekholm.
5:45 |
Connor McDavid wins the faceoff against Kevin Rooney.
Rasmus Andersson blocks shot from Alex Kannok-Leipert.
6:01 |
Lucas Ciona hits Connor Corcoran.
6:13 |
6:20 |
Ryan Nugent-Hopkins shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
Justin Kirkland wins the faceoff against Leon Draisaitl.
6:23 |
Takeaway by Jarred Tinordi.
6:54 |
Matt Coronato shoots Saved by Brett Brochu.
7:04 |
Jaden Lipinski wins the faceoff against Noah Philp.
7:06 |
7:25 |
Takeaway by Noah Philp.
7:36 |
Noah Philp hits Joni Jurmo.
Luke Misa blocks shot from Mattias Ekholm.
7:40 |
7:45 |
Shot by Vasily Podkolzin misses the net
Shot by Martin Pospisil misses the net
8:06 |
8:20 |
Shot by Connor Clattenburg misses the net
Anthony Mantha shoots Saved by Brett Brochu.
8:34 |
Shot by Martin Pospisil misses the net
8:35 |
8:37 |
Connor McDavid wins the faceoff against Kevin Rooney.
8:43 |
Connor McDavid wins the faceoff against Kevin Rooney.
Kevin Rooney blocks shot from Lucas Ciona.
8:46 |
8:46 |
Giveaway by Connor Corcoran.
Giveaway by Walker Duehr.
8:51 |
8:58 |
Noel Hoefenmayer shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
Justin Kirkland wins the faceoff against Connor McDavid.
9:00 |
Takeaway by Justin Kirkland.
9:21 |
Samuel Honzek blocks shot from Evan Bouchard.
9:33 |
9:47 |
Mattias Ekholm shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
Giveaway by Matt Coronato.
9:54 |
10:05 |
Connor McDavid shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
10:22 |
Giveaway by Connor McDavid.
10:23 |
Takeaway by Connor McDavid.
Kevin Rooney hits Alex Kannok-Leipert.
11:52 |
Lucas Ciona penalty for hooking - 2 mins (Minor). Drawn by Noah Philp.
12:05 |
12:05 |
Leon Draisaitl wins the faceoff against Justin Kirkland.
12:44 |
Connor McDavid scores a power play goal. Assisted by Leon Draisaitl and Evan Bouchard.
12:44 |
Noah Philp wins the faceoff against Martin Pospisil.
12:59 |
Vasily Podkolzin hits Hunter Brzustewicz.
Giveaway by Hunter Brzustewicz.
13:05 |
Jonathan Huberdeau blocks shot from Philip Kemp.
13:09 |
13:23 |
Giveaway by Philip Kemp.
Giveaway by Henry Mews.
13:42 |
13:43 |
Shot by Dalyn Wakely misses the net
13:50 |
Giveaway by Noel Hoefenmayer.
Shot by Matt Coronato misses the net
13:58 |
Jaden Lipinski wins the faceoff against Dalyn Wakely.
14:26 |
14:33 |
Takeaway by Connor Clattenburg.
14:51 |
Giveaway by Connor McDavid.
Hunter Brzustewicz penalty for hooking - 2 mins (Minor). Drawn by Connor Clattenburg.
14:52 |
14:52 |
Leon Draisaitl wins the faceoff against Justin Kirkland.
15:35 |
Ryan Nugent-Hopkins shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
Shot by Walker Duehr misses the net
16:11 |
16:50 |
Shot by Raphael Lavoie misses the net
16:58 |
Raphael Lavoie shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
17:08 |
Raphael Lavoie shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
17:14 |
Shot by Connor Corcoran misses the net
17:20 |
Noel Hoefenmayer shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
Justin Kirkland wins the faceoff against Noah Philp.
17:23 |
17:41 |
Giveaway by Noel Hoefenmayer.
Clark Bishop shoots Saved by Brett Brochu.
18:16 |
18:35 |
Evan Bouchard shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
18:48 |
Shot by Evan Bouchard misses the net
Jaden Lipinski wins the faceoff against Leon Draisaitl.
18:58 |
Giveaway by Jarred Tinordi.
19:00 |
19:05 |
Ryan Nugent-Hopkins shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
Giveaway by Luke Misa.
19:12 |
19:15 |
Zach Hyman shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
19:19 |
Evan Bouchard shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
19:22 |
Leon Draisaitl wins the faceoff against Kevin Rooney.
19:27 |
Evan Bouchard shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
19:29 |
Leon Draisaitl wins the faceoff against Kevin Rooney.
19:35 |
Mattias Ekholm shoots Saved by Devin Cooley.
19:37 |
Leon Draisaitl wins the faceoff against Kevin Rooney.
Jarred Tinordi blocks shot from Zach Hyman.
19:50 |