| San Jose
Rask, Victor wins the face-off against Thornton, Joe.
0:00 |
0:31 |
Pavelski, Joe shoots. Saved by Ward, Cam.
0:52 |
Hertl, Tomas wins the face-off against Staal, Jordan.
2:11 |
Wingels, Tommy shoots. Saved by Ward, Cam.
McClement, Jay wins the face-off against Lerg, Bryan.
2:45 |
McClement, Jay wins the face-off against Lerg, Bryan.
2:45 |
Staal, Eric shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
3:55 |
Versteeg, Kris penalty for Hooking - 2 mins.
5:20 |
5:20 |
Marleau, Patrick wins the face-off against Staal, Jordan.
5:54 |
Burns, Brent shoots. Saved by Ward, Cam.
7:01 |
Hertl, Tomas wins the face-off against Staal, Jordan.
Rask, Victor wins the face-off against Tierney, Chris.
7:44 |
9:22 |
Marleau, Patrick shoots. Saved by Ward, Cam.
9:30 |
Burns, Brent shoots. Saved by Ward, Cam.
Staal, Jordan wins the face-off against Tierney, Chris.
9:57 |
Lindholm, Elias wins the face-off against Thornton, Joe.
11:10 |
Rask, Victor wins the face-off against Lerg, Bryan.
11:40 |
Liles, John-Michael shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
12:03 |
Nash, Riley shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
12:47 |
Skinner, Jeff shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
12:50 |
12:50 |
Hertl, Tomas wins the face-off against Lindholm, Elias.
Staal, Eric shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
13:09 |
13:38 |
Wingels, Tommy shoots. Saved by Ward, Cam.
14:13 |
Thornton, Joe wins the face-off against Nash, Riley.
Murphy, Ryan shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
15:24 |
Terry, Chris shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
15:42 |
15:42 |
Tierney, Chris wins the face-off against Lindholm, Elias.
Rask, Victor shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
15:54 |
17:03 |
Tierney, Chris wins the face-off against Staal, Jordan.
Terry, Chris shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
17:16 |
Staal, Eric shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
17:44 |
Lindholm, Elias shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
17:50 |
Lindholm, Elias shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
17:55 |
17:56 |
Pavelski, Joe wins the face-off against Staal, Eric.
Rask, Victor shoots. Saved by Jones, Martin.
17:56 |
Ward, Joel scores. Assisted by Burns, Brent. Assisted by Marleau, Patrick.
19:03 |
Lerg, Bryan wins the face-off against Staal, Jordan.
19:30 |
Tierney, Chris wins the face-off against Nash, Riley.